Richard Felix National Halloween Tour October 2018
Come and join me as I take a tour round some very haunted theatres and places of entertainment as we approach the time when ghost roam the earth. Come and learn more about what ghosts really are, Supernatural or Science? just remember today’s Magic will be tomorrow science!!
Theatres, cinemas and places of entertainment seem to attract more than their fair share of ghosts of usherettes, projectionists, managers and customers who love the building so much tend to either stay behind or revisit at the end of every night when the applause has died down and the final curtain is closed, the lights are switched off and the audience have gone home, the theatres become quiet and dark however, this is not for long as this is the time where many of the famous entertainers return from the shadows to perform their favourite part over and over again.
Is it the energy of the audience and the players that awaken these ghosts drawing them back to the to the atmosphere that they once loved so much.

Tour Dates and Tickets
Triple S Snooker Club - Skegby – Saturday 20th October 7.30pm Book Here
Not the most haunted building that I’ve been too! they say they have a ghost that wonders the corridor, hopefully we will be able to find more ghosts on the night, but there are certainly plenty of spirits behind the bar.
The Fishpond - Matlock Bath – Thursday 1st November 7.30pm - Book Here
This event will be different as it’s being held at during in the Frankenstein week and we will be telling stories of public dissections, brain dissection and Erasmus Darwin from Derby who is responsible for Mary Shelley writing Frankenstein a demonstration of a public dissection will take place during the show.
Also, supposedly many ghosts roam this place including soldiers from the First World War wondering the building and the little boy that still haunts the downstairs rooms for some reason there are also stories of people hearing music upstairs in the ballroom and the staff often hear voices shouting only to discover that there is no one around.
Newbridge Memo – Newbridge – Friday 16th November 7.30pm - Book Here
The usual ghostly goings-on in a theatre, a seat that flips itself down on its own, obviously someone that used to visit regularly but has never left. Haunted changing room and haunted projection room where the old projectionist is still there he doesn’t like people messing about with his property.
The Sutherland Institute – Stoke – Wednesday 24th October 7.30pm Book Here
Was the concept and brainchild of the Duke of Sutherland he was the mayor of London in 1896, the building has always been known as Longton’s Temple of Learning. The foundation stone was laid by the Prince of Wales. The Duke of Sutherland was a rather posh gentleman and a rather posh gentleman has been seen wondering around the corridors of this building. Is it the Duke? Who loved this building so much he never left?